Mental illness comic round-up
There have been some awesome comics about mental illness that have popped up in my news feeds lately, so I thought I'd share them with you all. I share them because sometimes having visuals like these brings a new level of meaning or depth to a story (especially when dealing with a subject that is seemingly intangible). These comics have done that for me. Click on the images to see the comics in their entirety.
#1 : "Why Anxiety & Depression Are So Difficult To Fight"
From the artist, as told to Bored Panda, "Sometimes those who haven’t experienced the extremes don’t understand what it’s like, almost to the point of resenting it."
Image by The Awkward Yeti (Nick Seluk) and Sarah Flanigan via Bored Panda
#2: "How People Treat Mental Illness Vs. How They Treat Physical Illness"
The mental is physical, and yet we so often write off mental issues as imaginary, or less serious than other ailments. This comic strip created for Buzzfeed illustrates this disconnect perfectly.
Image by Haejin Park for BuzzFeed
Image by Haejin Park for BuzzFeed
#3: "Standing still."
I relate to this particular comic so much, and highly recommend following Depression Comix on Facebook or other social networks, as the artist's level of depth and insight is often spot on.
Image by Depression Comix
#4: "How to Survive College When You Have a Mental Disorder"
This series from Everyday Feminism is awesome. I totally wish I had discovered something like this when I was in school.
Image by Christine Deneweth for Everyday Feminism
Image by Christine Deneweth for Everyday Feminism
#5: "Adventures in Depression" and "Depression Part Two"
Allie Brosh is my favorite comic artist when it comes to the subject of mental illness (and maybe just favorite, period...I mean, you gotta love that triangle ponytail style). I love everything that comes out of her weird and beautiful brain. Be sure to read part one of this series before reading part two. And also, check out everything else she's made, including her fabulous book.
Image by Allie Brosh on Hyperbole and a Half
Do you know of other good comics on the subject that I haven't included? Let me know in the comments. Here's your song of the week...